Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Section Model

The section model shown is a section starting at a point within the pool area and looking toward the back of the facility stopping at the wall which "hides" the locker rooms. In the photo you can see the ports to the tunnels leading to the locker rooms, the players benches, and where a viewing area will go residing on a level under the locker rooms. The off-white on the model in the photo indicates the water-level.

Pool detail #2

Yep so here is a more detailed/accurate rendering of my pool detail. It is of the same thing as before. :)

Pool detail rendering

This is a detail rendering of the "tunnel" that will be leading from the pool itself to the back of the facility going into a locker room for the players as well as the players bench where other players sit while not in the game.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wood-frame construction

This project was an interesting one. Took a bit of thought to get the connect and those dimensions correct aside from making sure everything lined up. Ran into a snag when I accidentally sent the files to the laser cutter asking to use the wrong material. After the re-cut, it worked out much better. Foundation is of the original (incorrect) material. :)